Sunday, August 21, 2011

Long time, No Post...

Remember that time I said I was going to update this thing at least once a week? !

So it’s been a while. I’ve got a fairly decent excuse. Since the last time I updated this, I watched four beautiful couples sign their lives away (just kidding), went on a quick jaunt out West again, visited friends and family, attend and survived (just barely) another Ukrainian Festival weekend, watched the Harry Potter saga in its entirety, and of course played some music.

I am currently sitting in downtown Ottawa. Today involved three life-changing realizations. The first epiphany happened over a mug of tea and my reading of Sky News after waking up to a tent with water. Reading about all these distant stars and galaxies made me realize how small and pretty much insignificant most of my problems are in the big picture, and how very short of time we have here.

Later on, under time constraints, I was trying to take in as much as possible of the Caravaggio and his Followers exhibit at the National Gallery of Canada. Over the past few months, I seem to have developed a new fascination and appreciation with all kinds of arts forms, so I found this quite overwhelming (in a good way). Many of these fantastic paintings were based on characters and stories from the Bible. This brings me to my second epiphany: I don’t know much about anything, and I am going to read the Bible, even if I’m not religious.

After taking in as much as the Gallery as I could in two hours, I decided to wander Parliament Hill. The architecture was gorgeous and it got me thinking to all the crazy things that must have gone on and continue to go on within those walls, and it hit me again: I don’t know much about anything, and I am going to start reading the news.

I am just going to speak for myself. Perhaps it’s too much time alone in a car, perhaps it’s this self-obsessed social networking world we live in (as I update my blog…) but I tend to get lost in my own world at times. And it’s NOT good! All of these realizations helped me find a new perspective that I can’t wait to explore.

So in the joy of self-obsessed social networking, if you would like to see pictures of my adventure so far, they can be viewed here

Hope to see you at a show soon! Until next time, bye bye!


© Kayla Luky